Bracket Challenges for all tournaments


New User
Hello everyone,

Me and my two friends have found a site where we can make brackets! So from now on we will make a bracket for every tournament in the ATP calendar ( singles and doubles) Since next week there are no official ATP tournaments we will make the draws for the 5 challengers going on next week.

To get started sign up to this website:*********

After doing so you can sign up for all 5 challengers going on next week: Furth, Prostejov, Rome, Ojaj and Nottingham right here:********* ... Challenges

Have fun guys! Yes you can sign up although the draws are not out yet! We will be checking all the time for the draws to be out and put them on the bracket so you can complete your choices!

Good Luck to all!

Thierry,Laurent and Alex


New User
okay wow it doesnt let me write tennis and than net alltogether so thats what you have to put where the stars are all in one!