Durable syngut for a hybrid setup?

So I've been using poly setups in my Pro Staff 97S but lately I have been itching to get back to using hybrid string setups to get some extra power and comfort off the stringbed. My only problem is that I break strings FAST. I would like to stick to 16g if possible but I will go to 15g if I have to. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Two questions:

1) Will the syngut be a cross string?
2) Have you had problems with cross string breakage?

Most people who use a poly/syngut hybrid don't break the cross prematurely. It's a very durable setup. A more common problem is having the poly wear on the syngut's coating and locking up the string bed. So just choose a cross string that is slick and well coated.


Hall of Fame
I pretty much always break my syn gut crosses in my hybrid. Gosen OG Sheep was definitely up there durability wise as a cross in a hybrid with a poly.
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