Ministry of Lost Strokes - Inaugural Meeting.


By order of the Tennis Gods I declare the Ministry of Lost Strokes open.

The Ministry serves to provide moral support to those unfortunate individuals who have been forsaken by shots that were once pillars of solidarity.

We at the ministry encourage you to share the nature of your loss and help those who are experiencing pain of a similar nature.

I myself make use of the services and facilities of the ministry. My backhand volley, once feared by opponents, has disappeared. Despite my best efforts to locate this stroke, it remains lost to me. Any ball above waist height on my backhand side reacts accordingly, seeking safety in the net.

On behalf of all staff at the Ministry, I encourage you to share your woes and seek comfort from your fellow sufferers. Know this - you are not alone.

Those interested may apply for positions within the ministry if they wish to take their support to a higher level.

Yours sincerely,
adams_1, MLS President.


does this include, say, intellectual losses as well. my strokes are better than they have ever been. but my ability to strategize has paid the price for better strokes

when i was a 3.5 i played better against 5.0. than i can now. i was able to systematically and analytically disassemble an opponents game to find even the most obscure weaknesses and cracks.

i played, as a 3.5, in the semis of a tournmament against a 4.5 and while i lost it took 3 sets.

now as a 4.5, i do not seem to be able to do this. if i win, its by power.

so, for those afflicted, will this ministry include the ability to figure out how to use strokes again in addition to dealing with the loss and recovery of strokes?


does this include, say, intellectual losses as well. my strokes are better than they have ever been. but my ability to strategize has paid the price for better strokes

so, for those afflicted, will this ministry include the ability to figure out how to use strokes again in addition to dealing with the loss and recovery of strokes?

We at the ministry have trialled numerous mental game enhancement and repair techniques - lobotomies, brain transplants, electrical stimulation - and have settled on a free support based program which we would be glad to share with you.