Nadal Pink Nike T-shirt


why? why would you want that pink tee shirt.

commenting on the's hilarious. i think hewitt's was the best, though :)


Hahaha "what color is mediterranean".

Homer Simpson - Mmmmm.....purrrrple....purple's a food, right?


just wait for this years french open...oh rafa....what poor fasion sense you have
Step outside the box for a minute.

Pink can look good on men and it's been a strong fashion statement recently from and for trendy young men where I live.

I think that he'll look good in pink because he has the right skin tone for it but the conservative tennis world and esp. N-America is not ready to see a male athete in pink so we can probably expect a lot of lame jokes from people stuck in dumb clichés.

In Europe (and esp. S-Europe), it's a different matter probably. In Italy, one of the main sports newspapers for example, is printed on pink paper and the leader of the Giro (cycling) wears a pink shirt.


I'm personally not ready to see guys wearing pink on the courts and will be the first with the "lame" jokes. It's always the pink shirt guys who pronounce it Bah- Boh- Lah....and not Bab-oh- Lat....eventually this will lead to the collapse of our mighty nation, you heard it here first!!!

"Nice, Pink shirt...."