QP Weight Balancers from MSV Tennis. Other alternatives to lead?

Has anyone used the QP Weight Balancers from MSV Tennis?
It's an alternative to using lead tape, they are reusable and readjustable.
When I first play with a new tennis string, I use my racket in stock form and then I gradually add 1 or 2 QP Weight Balancers at 9-3 o'clock.
Adding at 12 o'clock messes up everything for me.
Very little movement noticed. They are easily put on 16*19 patterns. On 16*20 I have to try a little more to fit them.
The only downside for me is that they don't look good, so I'm interested in other alternatives (reusable, sticky tapes, but not expensive)
"The only downside for me is that they don't look good, so I'm interested in other alternatives (reusable, sticky tapes, but not expensive)..."

Use lead tape.
If you're worried about lead toxicity, don't lick it and wash hands after application. Otherwise, wear disposable gloves.
You probably get more toxicity from breathing in the polyester fibers every time you hit the ball.
I'll try sticky magnetic tapes that kids use in school crafts first :cool:
Not sure they will hold off you plan on stacking more weight. Good idea, but the vibration and of center hits may cause the added layer(s) to fall off. Be sure to bring extra and a pair of scissors. Lastly, doing that is really gonna affect your play. You're going to be worrying about the magnets and not your opponents.

In the end, still better to stick with cheap lead tape. You can buy a big roll on Amazon for <$10. I got my gamma pack for $3 shipped. However, they seem to be out of stock on the gamma, and price doubled since June!
@SpinControl I'll know in a couple of hours. Bought this magnetic self-adhesive sheet 21*16 cm for 1€. I cut it 1cm wide and 8cm long and will see if it works and tell you.



@SpinControl this trick actually works. I did feel a small, but noticable difference. I haven' weight these strips to see how much is the added weight, but I feel, in total, it's about 5-6 grams. I'll measure it. The strips haven't moved at all and I didn't pay any attention to them. On the other hand, with the QP Weight Balancers I used before, you could always see these small black things in the stringbed...
In my opinion this is a super cheap solution. To be more accurate, one just has to weight the whole sheet, do some easy calculation to see how much weight is in 1cm2 an cut as many cm2 he/she wishes.