Table Tennis Thread, who plays?


I play all the time, probably play more table tennis then actual tennis just because my brothers are always willing to play and the table is right downstairs. I am definitely just a recreational player, but a very good one compared to most people I've played. I am going to try to do a tournament or two though coming up just for fun and to play new people.

Need to get a new paddle though, broke mine today on accident:(

Who else here plays, and if you play do you play more recreationally or competitively?


I love to play but im not that good. I have a table but its folded up and theres really no where to put it. Plus i dont really have anyone to play with.


I've got a table, used to play heaps but its just once every month nowadays, playing against a wall isnt as fun.


I'm a pretty good recreational player who would probably get schooled by anyone who plays competitively or belongs to a club.


I don't play very good table tennis but I am thinking of bying a table.I have plenty of room to put it and it is not very expensive.It will be very fun to play with friends.:)


I play, too. Not very well but I could win with all the other non-competing girls in my school at the time, and that was before I started playing real tennis and figured out how to properly use different types of rotations :) But my biggest success was when I played a former college player who had to switch from his left hand (with which he started playing with me) to his right, because he wasn't winning as easily as he would have liked to :)



Me in the Green Sweater.


Nice place to play. My basement has a pretty low ceiling which sucks a lot of the time. My little brother is very good at table tennis and so is my older brother so we usually have some pretty intense matches. We have just started to do offical serves with the ball toss and everything since we would just hit it out of our hands on the serve before. Almost all my friends play by just hitting out of the hand, as do most rec players. I don't think I could get too serious into table tennis as it is just as expensive as tennis, and I can't afford both.


I play recreationally and consider myself a good player. I have not played a better player yet at my school, and I seek out the best players I can find. However, I haven't played in any competitions. I guess I just dedicate too much time to tennis. I have a table at my house, but don't really have anyone to play with.

If you are looking for a paddle, I recommend

I started off with the Juic Kalinic with Juic Spinspiel rubber.
I now have a Tibhar IV-L with Juic 999 Defense rubber.
Both are excellent setups.


I might be getting a ping pong table in my basement so that'll be nonstop play with sleepless nights even though there are 3 tennis courts literally right across the street about 15 steps away :D .

I play pingpong and I have to say, I'm the best there is. I took all of my lessons from the champ Raftermania and his amazing acrobatics. The skill needed is unparalleled, this is no sport for the feint of heart.

Indrid Cold

New User
I have a table in my back room and play quite a bit. Im not great but im better than most people I have met. Speaking of table tennis, anyone played the xbox 360 game? My brother says its one of the funnest games he has for 360.


I thought that people who play tennis well are automatically good ping pong players. But then I was at this tennis tournament a couple weeks back and the dude who ended up winning the open tournament seemed to be impressed with my ping pong skills.


Tables can run from 100 bucks to 2000 dollars. Most peoples basement tables I have seen are around 300-600 dollars.