tennis video games


Whats the policy of selling tennis video games in for sale/for trade. There are numerous want ads for tennis dvds in the classifieds and some people advertise selling dvds of old matches and stuff, as well as selling books, etc. Nothing outright prohibits sales of used tennis video games in the stickies about policy, etc. The reason I ask is that I put up a post in the for sale about virtua tennis three, which I bought but my computer could not support (my graphics card is too weak, I tried it on someone's computer thats set up for gaming and it worked fine), so I put it up in the for sale section to sell to someone who could use it. I checked the forum today, after posting last night, and the post was nowhere to be found. I am not ruffling any feathers, I just want to know if I was in violation of some policy that I was not aware of by trying to sell a used game. I figure if dvds and the like can be sold then the game shouldnt be a problem, as it is a tennis game, not something else, and its the genuine article, not anything pirated or copied.