Variants/Different Game Formats?


I played something like a tie-break with my friend, first to 11 win by 2, but can be any score really. To start the point, player 1 feeds the ball to player 2 down the center, player 2's first shot cannot be a winner attempt, then it's fair game after that. Either player can start the point and whether to redo the point due to bad feed or 1st shot winner are up to the players.

What are some of the different game formats that you have played or come up with?
Something different than the standard set or tie-breaks.


@Ash_Smith has mentioned that practice/drills generally need to be closer to realistic match play in order to derive the most benefit.

In that regard, I would replace the easy feed down the center with a second serve . You can serve as hard as you wish but you have only one serve and lose the point if you miss.


Bionic Poster
How about an Ad-Out game? Server starts on the ad side with the score set at 30-40. Server's job, of course, is to hold serve while the other player tries to break serve. After several of these ad-out games, players switch roles. Simple concept but a valuable exercise just the same.

meltphace 6

Hall of Fame
Mental pressure:

Two return of serve errors: receiver loses game.
Double fault: server loses game.

Additional/optional variants:

* receiver can choose one point per game where the server has only one serve
* server has a limited amount of serves per service game