What tension for Big Ace?


BA = my poly of choice. For the very current situation, I need strings that will not break under any circumstance. Big Ace has held up all summer, and I played countless hours each day. Kevlar/Syn gut is my holy grail of strings, but its shredding quickly and I can't really afford to restring/purchase string every few weeks.

I'm putting in Big Ace again, because I know it will last be quite a while. The last few times I strung at 60. It felt good I guess, but I'm sure I can make it even more comfortable. How low can I set the tension without sacrificing control? I don't care much for power, just need spin and control.


Hall of Fame
i string mine at 59/57 and i get good spin but its pretty powerful, so i will try it at 60/58 next time.