4.5 hitting with D1 woman


New User
This many times baffles people. But when you read the research from Drabik, girls by 12.5-13.5 are just as strong and fast as they will be at age 20. The boys are way different, a 20 year old will be twice as strong as he is at age 12.

We have so many girls and tennis dads who think 'my girl is this good at age 12.5, just imagine at age 18!!'. But it does not work that way. The improvement must come from experience and mental maturity as their speed and power do not increase much at all after around age 12-13.

So many girls and parents get depressed that they are only as good at age 16 as they were at 12-13.

You can really see it just about at age 10.5-12.5, depending on the girl and how quickly she matures. But a very well trained and mature 11 year old has no problem hanging with all but the very top D-1 women.

This is some good insight. The other day I saw the Seattle City regionals (or something) for juniors, and I was blown away by how good some of the 10-12 girls were. It was like watching a fake, photoshopped video of serious tennis players playing, only with the players substituted with little girls.


Hall of Fame
The tallest person in my 6th-7th grade classes was a girl. It wasn't until around 13-14 that the boys start passing the girls in height.


Bionic Poster
Best part connected with Dman's thread...
Ingrid Shutter was close to 6' tall in 5th grade, a veritiable giant, but pretty good at kickball, so I always tried to pick her on my team.
Didn't pay much attention to her thru junior high and high school, her best friend in my homeroom, around 5'9" tall.

Saw her 15 years ago, both of us in our 50's. She was bank manager at Novato's WestAmerica Bank, we were the same height, and she recognized me as I walked into a bank, from a manager's desk behind he cashier's.
I recognized her mainly from her height, but she had the name tag on her blouse.
I played JV football for my high school at 5'1" and 97 lbs.. I was listed at 102, because those days, you couldn't play football at under 100 lbs.