Can a certain tennis racquet or shoes....


be the blame for losing matches and such? I'm starting to think that way.

Thanks, just wondering if you actually blame these things.
Brett, once you have the equipment that suits you, you can't blame it anymore. Especially if you play well with them during practice and stuff. If it's only during matches that you're having problems then it's totally on you. Sorry dude :(


In most cases no.

I can probably beat most of the people I am already beating with a 110 inch granny stick assuming I have been practicing with it.

Shoes- well you should be wearing decent tennis shoes anyways. I suppose if you had a really heavy tennis shoe it could slow you down.

The point is that you should get the proper shoes and a racquet that you feel comfortable with so you don't have to think about your equipment.


i have to fight the urge to put on or change lead tape when i don't do well.............. better to analyze your own game and where you had problems and then really focussed practice.

alot easier to look for a magic solution.......

yes, more expensive racquets are generally better but i've gone crazy between HH/HL and back again, and come to conclusion that my strokes are the overwhelming dominant factor.

please remind me of this response when i come on here for lead tape tips. ;) cause i know it's hard to shake what you're feeling right now.


i blamed my shoes with holes in them for ruining a bunch of socks and giving my toes friction burns. Thats about it though. It's all technique!


It's not really just strokes, anyone can do those given they're fed into the person's comfort zone. It's the subtle changes (sudden spin, unexpected change of direction) and low percentage shots that usually destroy people.

LOL, I blame it on the strokes anyway. That and my new coach, who actually isn't bad at all, heh.

I've also done "Maybe if more women were watching me, I wouldn't have missed it."


takeuchi said:
i blamed my shoes with holes in them for ruining a bunch of socks and giving my toes friction burns. Thats about it though. It's all technique!

Maybe it is just me but I usually get rid of my shoes well before they have a bunch of holes in them :)


lol this was before i had bought proper tennis shoes. and i'm lazy like that. haha
Now the tennis shoes that i just bought have holes in them. damn. more $$ spent.

Geezer Guy

Hall of Fame
Brett, You can blame anything you want. But seriously dude, you do really know who to blame - right? Brett, time to Man Up. You're not a kid anymore.


Hall of Fame
I think bad equipment can lower you a half to a full level but not much more. I could still beat a 3.5 with a wooden racquet and have done that before. You lose pace on your serve and don't have as much control over your shots with a different racquet, but you learn to adjust and can then start improving again.

Wearing high heels is not advised for tennis. Otherwise your shoes shouldn't make too much difference unless they are really heavy and slowing or tiring you out. Don't wear moon boots or slippers as well.


Hall of Fame
Well, I don't think (hope) we're not talking about playing with wooden racquets or wearing sandals although I've seen some play pretty good in bare feet. It takes a little time (couple dozen strokes) to hit with a new racquet - to actually play with it anyway. However, I don't think it matters all that much unless the equipment is either totally different, doesn't fit or defective - I think most of us could play with just about anything.