Epic Tennis: We need you!


New User
Yes, yes. Epic Tennis needs "reporters" and "instructors". What are these jobs? Well you get to be featured on the NEW youtube channel Epic Tennis. The home of instructional videos and more. Your job, should you accept, is that you will become a Instructor in this program. This message will now self-destruct.
Just kidding, had to put the mission impossible classic in.

Well apply by posting here and if you land the job, I will give you an assignment. (You most likely will)

Your resume:
Name: (The name you want to be credited with in the channel/videos as)

Thats all, just post here.



New User
I realize it. I also realize there can be more than ONE of something, and maybe they need some competition. I want to make this channel succeed.

Also youtube has millions of users/billions of viewers. Any video easily gets views. Wanna join?


I maybe would help you for fun, but I dont have a camera or anything to upload videos as of now. If you can help tell me what I need and how to do what you want, then its a possibility


New User
We also do text guides. Text with animation, wether it be a picture from virtual tennis, etc. I am setting up a forum to use.