Kick serve shanks/maintaining grip


Hall of Fame
Possible reasons- previously I had problems with kick serves going long because at the last moment I would switch from continental to to eastern forehand before my kick serve. Same for my first serve.

I have tried to counter that problem by holding the grip with the end of my pinky at the bottom and wrapping my thumb around the grip. I also hold it slightly tighter. Now I only switch from full continental to continental/tad eastern. On occasion I can't maintain the grip and I hit my serve flat into the fence but for the most part it works ok. Now I serve around 50% first serve, 80% second serve which is better than what I previously had, which was probably like 25%, 50% lmao!

So the problems I want to fix is maintaining the full continental grip without switching at all and also avoid shanking my kick serve, which seems to happen every 1/5 times-ish. I wonder if these problems are interlinked as well. Does switching the grip ever so slightly during the racket drop back lead to shanks of the kick serve or is it probably something else?


There is no magic bullet. Practice maintaining your grip. Unfortunately when you learn something "wrong" you have to take a step back to "unlearn" it.
What many players do is bouncing the ball onto the ground before serving with a continental grip and pronation motion i.e. Approach the ball with the racket edge and opening the racket face in the last moment to slice serve the ball into the ground. It might help u keep the bad habits at bay.