Pro's grips


New User
OK for the record I dont really Know what section to put this in. But I am not really sure how to describe it but what is that white thing on pros grips. And then they put an over grip on it. Of u need a pic i think it is on the tourna grips packages.srry if i didnt really describe it well enough but any info would be good.


Hall of Fame
they are white grips, they are selling tons on these days, Wilson, and yonex are the ones used by pros, white, but other brands make white overgrips too


matchpoint54 said:
Most of them use Wilson Pro Overgrip.

you're joking right?

I think I can count all the pro's in the top 50 who use WPO with my 10 fingers. Tournagrip? No way... Yonex has a lot of users. Most Babolat use Babolat grips, and there are LOTS of Babolat users. There's also a population who just use whatever replacement grip came with the racquet.