Slice Serve


=) Can someone tell me how to put WAY MORE spin on slice serves?

The first three serves there are slices, but you can't see. =\

I think that my slice serves need more spin so that it curves in the air. Everytime I do that, it moves pretty slow, but there's a big curve to pull my opponent off court(but someone my level can hit it on the rise easily). When I try to make my slice serves faster, you can't see much curve.

Another option I want to do is hit fast slice serves that jump left after hitting the ground. I can do this sometimes, but I've only done it twice and those were major flukes.

If you can also add your own vids, that would be nice ^_^.
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you need far more shoulder turn on your serve, you have to close yourself to the court and have the back of your shoulder blades facing toward the court as you are placing your ball toss

try to hold your left arm up longer to create an axis of rotation point for the rest of your body to rotate about.


Hall of Fame
Do you use an eastern backhand grip which will add more spin than continental? The harder you hit, the less the curve, but a combination of spin and pace can force errors so it's okay to hit hard slice even if it doesn't pull your opponent off the court. I will move over to the right and hit a slower slice that does go way wide in the duece court but mostly like to hit hard slice up the T or into the body.