TW: email order sent on Sunday, still not processed!


Hi TW,

I have an email order placed with you on Sunday, where I said it is urgent. I then sent another email on Monday specifying that it is urgent, but still no reply.

What do I have to do to get this order processed?

It's already Wednesdey.

This happens all the time, it takes on average at least 3-5 days to process my email orders.



Why not, make a purchase online...if you have access to post online, why not purchase online? Would be faster than an "email order". Just my 2cents

TW Staff

We actually did place an order for you on the morning of Sunday Oct. 28. Emailed orders cannot be processed until we have received an order confirmation. We had emailed the given email address twice with no response. I'm guessing you hadn't checked the email address in which you had placed the order (as you emailed me with a different email address).

At this time we are doing all we can to get the order processed.

Spencer, TW.