Yonex Rexking Rexplay History?


Looking for a a bit of a history lesson on this line of rackets.

I'm pretty savvy with other brands and other iconic lines (ie Prestiges, radicals, ezones, 200G's, Pure Drives etc) and have most from all those lines.

I'm a long time collector but never really paid any attention to this series until recently when I actually hit with a few and they blew me away. I have around half a dozen but don't know alot about them.

Firstly, How many are there in the series? I'm assuming R-1 is the first one and then goes up? I've seen a Rexking R-80 does that mean there are 80 models? Does every model exist or did they skip a few?

What's the difference between Rexking, Rexplay and RX series?

What period did Yonex create these?

Who are the standout professionals who used them?

How are they regarded in terms of yonex's history and compared with other lines of Yonex series?

Anyone here have a decent collection of these? Which ones are the highest regarded in the R series?

Hoping I can learn a bit more from this great community :)


Hall of Fame
I just picked up a Rexplay aka R-440 that’s probably never hit a ball before. It doesn’t have a blemish and I couldn’t let it sit there at $15 so I bought it. I swing it in the house to hit a foam ball and it feels good compared to the many other racquets I do the same with.

I’m not a Yonex person and have never played one. I knew there was Rexking but I never knew these existed. I’m not against Yonex. I’ve just never had a real opportunity to play them.

Message me if you have interest in this racquet (R-440). It belongs in a collector’s hands.
There all pretty heavy sticks .
Some notes on the older Yonex :
Smaller the grip the lighter the frame
Larger the grip the heavier the racket
Yonex r-1 and r -2 felt super similiar and they are the most flexible of all the R series .
Rexking I believe is the generation before the regular R series .
Some very popular pros played R series rackets ..
All used the same R racket .
It was the frame of choice for
Aaron Kriskstein
Martina Navratilova
Andres Gomez
Just to name a few they all used Yonex R 22


Hall of Fame
I believe the “Rexplay” models were a cheaper few models intended for beginners and recreational players, below the various concurrent “Rexking” racquets. I have had a couple Rexplay models myself; they were made in Taiwan as opposed to Japan, out of the basic Yonex isometric constant beam mold that the R-22 and many others was pressed from.

Not much else I can volunteer. For some reason, I have never been able to play my game really well with a Yonex in my hand; just never could “synch” with it.
Wow retro me too dude. For me it was the grip shape ... or the balance .. too thin beamed. Too thick beAmed.. too crisp too harsh..
I wanted to love a million different yonex .. but..
When I got my eyes on the krajeck candy apple RD TI 70 88 sq inches that’s when I fell in love with them.
It too me is still one of the top 10 best paint jobs ever created.
The frame was on par with the wilson pro staff OG 85..