High Balls on the One hander


When I get high balls on my backhand side, I usually short hop them(take them early), but sometimes I dont get to the ball in time and it gets too high. When this happens, what shot should I use because the topspin one hander is not as accurate or strong on these high balls. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


it seems like 2h bh aren't optimal for high balls too right? it seems more natural to do a backhand slice on a high ball


When I get high balls on my backhand side, I usually short hop them(take them early), but sometimes I dont get to the ball in time and it gets too high. When this happens, what shot should I use because the topspin one hander is not as accurate or strong on these high balls. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Practice taking it somewhat up high, you can't slice them all or your opponent will take advantage.


Hall of Fame
Slice or move back, let it drop to your strike zone and hit it with a drive or rally shot.


Service Ace

Hall of Fame
I don't have the credentials to recommend anyone else do this but what I do is a kind of half slice to them with a motion which is like coming over and back down on the ball by angling my wrist downwards and leading the swing with my elbow while keeping the racket face completely parallel to the net. It's hard to explain but it adds some nice pace and keeps them deep enough to keep me on the offensive. I don't know, maybe give it a try.
There are a lot of options here. Take it on the rise, move back, try a grip change.

Or just try making a small adjustment so the racquet face doesn't open up until much later in the motion. Being a tall guy, I actually have a much harder time with low balls.


Or jump so the ball is in the regular hitting range

Very true, people underestimate the power of jumping up to the high balls. Most people think power comes from the legs, from which a little bit does, but the majority comes from the great shoulder rotation and the pushing with the shoulder muscles.


Very true, people underestimate the power of jumping up to the high balls. Most people think power comes from the legs, from which a little bit does, but the majority comes from the great shoulder rotation and the pushing with the shoulder muscles.


step in and take the ball early or slice it back.



step in and take the ball early or slice it back.

Really? You do realize that the one handed backhands primary strength comes from the coiling of the shoulders and such, the legs do not really play that big of a role. This is why despite cramping and such professional players can still rip balls as long as the ball comes back to them. Only in the serve do the legs really play a big role in the power department.
A defensive moon ball without heavy topspin is a very effective shot in this situation. If your opponent is coming in, try to get it over the backhand. A deep push will do the trick for a player on the baseline.

This is just another option, a slice is the other best option.


New User
high backhand

bottom line is to NOT let the ball get high, strike zone is VERY important and if you are not quick enough to move and get into position to hit the ball at an optimal height in your strike zone, well then you are gonna have to play a defensive shot or a neutral shot at best and hope you get a better chance to be offensive on the next ball.. Watch wear the pros make contact with every ball. It looks like they are hitting it right back to each other, but the reality is they are quick enough to get into PERFECT position most of the time. When they don't watch how they will play a slice or a defensive shot trust me i know, getting older and slower is a bummer.... i play a lot of high balls with slice now. GOOD LUCK


Take it on the rise, slice it, or hit a forehand. When the balls are higher you have more time to run around it. If you show weakness to this shot you'll be getting a lot of them, but if you cna run around it and hit it flat inside out/inside in consistently, this shot won't be a problem anymore