Recent content by freeballer16

  1. F

    distance from the ball

    footwork... get in position for the ball quicker
  2. F

    just a question...

    slice it is easy to slice a low ball
  3. F

    Question about foot positioning on serve

    well itd be hard to serve with ur foot pointing towards the deuce court lol...for deuce court point your front foot at the net post
  4. F

    Self Drills?

    i usually serve 100 to 150 times a day and i need major work on my ground strokes...i just got back from the courts now and it is official...I NEED BETTER STROKES
  5. F

    Lefty Roddick?? (Videos)

    His serve seems a little rushed too me and i dont like how he moves that front foot on his serve dont get me wrong...this guy isnt bad
  6. F

    Self Drills?

    Does anyone know any good drills I can do with me and 9 balls...For now all I do is practice service...which is good cuz I like my serve but I'm doing horrible on my ground strokes and I need to improve. So it's me, 9 balls, tennis court, and racquet ball court...What drills can I do to...
  7. F

    Full Western Grip

    i started playing with full western and developed tendonitis in my hand...i had to play lefty for like 2 months(yikes) so yea after that got better i still use full western and havnt had any more hand/wrist problems since
  8. F

    switching serving grip

    if its slicing bad you are swiping it to the side too much you need to attack the ball and finish your follow advice watch a good server(Gonzo is one of my favorites) and watch his serve
  9. F

    Do you think I can become pro?

    Im sorry to say but this post is like a short lob waiting to be slammed in your face =\ not making fun of you though im just sayin sometimes things shouldnt be posted knowing that people on here would just rape the thread
  10. F

    Need some tips on serves

    DO NOT move your front foot...have a good leg/knee bend while doing it...toss a little out in front and think of it as attacking the ball...while tossing bring your racquet back at the same the ball...dont bring your head down until you have finished swinging through it this is...
  11. F my serve posted

    well my school has about 1,500 kids in it but our tennis team isnt that great...well it would be if we were all consistant...that is our main problem and quite a huge problem it is
  12. F my serve posted

    thanks for the tips i wanna get this serve massive so i need all i can get my rival team's assistant coach says he likes my form he said i just need to work on my toss
  13. F my serve posted

    Yea as i watched them i noticed the ball drop too...and i dont extend my body out entirely
  14. F my serve posted

    The quality on the videos isnt that bad. So yea if you notice anything about my serve let me know. I like criticism because i know what i need to work on... thanks.
  15. F

    video of my serve including a kick (american twist)

    the one thing that stands out a lot to me is your back foot swinging around, try stepping close to your front foot and attacking the ball