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  1. S

    National Father Son Tournaments

    Anything you do with a son is awesome. Softball team, riding, kayaking -- you name it.
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    Third set mindset

    I play almost exclusively best 2 of 3, singles. First sets dropped in wins all the time, good opponents and I feel like the 1st set is a warm up.
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    My friends are all intense competitors, no problem with this coffee klatch woman thing.
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    "I joined a D.C. tennis league thinking I’d make a few friends. But this was no social club.."

    It's the Beltway, all the people are horrible. This was a surprise to the author? Ever notice the proliferation of "Agressive Driver" zone signs? The $40 in tolls just to get AWAY from that part of the country? Downtown DC????
  5. S

    When to use Australian or I-Formation in Rec Doubles and when not to?

    "So when should you employ non-standard serve formations in rec leagues and when should you not? " Simple: Never. It's recreational by definition - the tennis is a way to kill time until the chips and dip in the clubhouse.
  6. S

    People can't count

    Life is not that hard. Saw a guy hump a giant truck tire into a lady customer's truck bed last night - bupkus. I tipped the man a tiny $10 spot of recognition for his work on my car. If you are 'the lady' in this example, likely you do NOT get it in any other phase of this thing called life. Be...
  7. S

    Players that improve as adults

    I just saw a 4.0 tighten up and choke in my USTA match last night, no reason t diss the 3.0 folks. I challenged a call, worked his feeble mind over and his brain body connection - kaput.
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    Walking onto a booked court - what is the correct 'etiquette'?

    Ah, look, the thread devolved into ad hominem and snark! Oh boy, tennis geeks. So why are you NOT playing straight through like me and my buddies? None of these long sit changeovers. No changing sides, you are indoors for Pete's sake. No sun. No wind. But a lot of humidity in these indoor Har...
  9. S

    Calling 'let' prematurely, and calling 'let' if a ball rolls on opponents side of court

    Is this related to the 'safety mom' type of guy that stops play to point out a ball 20 feet away against the fence so you can 'be careful'? Safety mom usually follows that up with, 'I once saw a guy step on a ball and ...'
  10. S

    What tennis goals have you accomplished?

    I spent the winter working on my first and second serve by playing 2 club matches a week vs. 4.0 players the pro set me up with, all new opponents to me. I made a point of going for it, including routinely hunting 2nd serve aces at 40-0, 40-15, and sometimes at 30-0. Interesting how the...
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    Players that improve as adults

    I know and have mentored adult tennis players that have improved their games. I am not selling nor pushing (haha) some gospel, but a few observations from discussions with intelligent, mature adult players I encounter - about this very subject. Setting aside club league/ladder/USTA matches that...
  12. S

    4.0 still full of pushers

    The OP says "4.0" - but does not say whether it is 18+ or 40+, so really, the discussion rolls on with the usual 'pushers vs. world' thread minus that important information. I am not seeing pushers in 18+ USTA play.
  13. S

    People can't count

    Ah, the tennis bubble. Played inner city pickup basketball for years and was the personal scoreboard - always calling out the score to avoid arguments that would break out. Even when I called out each and every basket, sometimes an argument would still break out - but much less often.
  14. S

    Playing USTA vs. Practicing & Lessons

    I don't have time to read all this - starting to go book length, maybe result in a Kindle self-publish, one of those $.99 cent books. Anywho, beyond the 'pusher vs. world' thread (latest) - my $.01 is this: all the practice in the world + all the money in the world will not replace natural...
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    Martina Hingis playing left handed can beat most male TW tennis players

    I could beat her in an arm wrestle, so there.
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    Yeah, really. I stopped playing USTA 18+, not feeling a need to prove anything against children. I play 2-3 singles a week vs. 40ish to 50ish opponents, that is plenty young enough.
  17. S

    Calling Score

    I play a lot of smart, successful guys ... that forget or invert the score. Hoping they donate their brains to science - I just wanna know what is going on 'in there'.
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    Accused of coaching...but was trying to correct an error

    "My career is not going to be defined by a banana." Maria Sharapova
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    Need More than 1 Can of Balls for a Match

    I have a case in my trunk. Open a new can per set, OP did not specify when his/her/xir's two would be opened. As a big server, dead balls bad. Plus I can afford it at Walmart prices. Even if the Chinese up the ante and I have to pay another $.08 per can.
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    Tax Question

    I found a nickel on the road. Face up. Do I have to claim it as income?
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    Two Jerks In One Day Is A Lot Of Jerks

    My daughter and I were in my vintage truck, leaving a parking lot when a woman in a high end crossover speeded up to cut us off at the exit. She gave us the stink eye stare as she went by. She then accelerates ... and hits two young deer, crossing the road ... when she had plenty of time to...
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    Serena Wiiliams vs Carlos Ramos poll

    LEO: Maam, do you know why I pulled you over? SW: I was not speeding! I never speed! I have never speeded [wagging finger in face of LEO] LEO: Maam. Maam. Calm down, Maam. I didn't say you were speeding. I will now.I had you on the laser doing 88 in a 40. SW: I never speed! I have never...
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    Serena Owes Ramos an Apology

    Her first response indeed was "thumbs up is not coaching..."
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    Serena Owes Ramos an Apology

    She said "thumbs up." Coach's thumbs were not facing sideways, nor down. If she was looking at the box, she may have seen the coaching after all, although that is not the reason for the penalty: that is the result of the coaching itself, not a bone of contention since Mouratoglou admitted it on...
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    Serena Wiiliams vs Carlos Ramos poll

    What happened on the court was NOTHING. Just imagine if Alexis (male) doesn't get up out of bed fast enough when the baby cries at night.... ... my guess is he apologizes after the first DEMAND.
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    Serena Owes Ramos an Apology

    A few takeaways from the latest hilarious Serena meltdown on the tennis court: Watched Federer on the downside, lean years; it will likely be much more entertaining to see how the GOAT Serena handles this phase. Let's call this Chapter 1. In retrospect, seeing how many powers-that-be, WTA...
  27. S

    Strategies for playing in extreme heat

    I too love playing in hot weather and seek it. Saw in some other thread a lady lent another a bottle of water and phreaked that latter dumped it on head. Well, if my friend is suffering, I am all cool with whatever they want to do with the water. Maybe a Mars Venus thing haha. Ok, so I carry 5...
  28. S

    Toxic doubles partner

    All communication does not have to be verbal. If yappy man gets too yappy, when he is at the net, serve one into his azz. Not for mixed dubs, of course. Then quip, like, "what do you suggest?"
  29. S

    Play to the server’s pace: Yes, but...

    It's pretty obvious when someone tries to quick serve you. Since I play with a circle of regulars, rarely seen. In USTA play, yes. Anyway, I just hold up my hand, "not ready" as they go to serve, even in their motion. Then it's an alpha game, as in 'not putting up with that' and they stop.