Search results

  1. MemphisTennis

    Most humbling USTA experiences?

    A few days ago, I had the opportunity to play a top 30 in the nation boy’s 14’s player. Little turd already has almost a 12 UTR. Talk about a reality check :laughing: If any 4.5’s or even 5.0’s think they can go play a WTA player and do alright, they should try out boy’s 12’s and go from there...
  2. MemphisTennis

    Advice from coaches/pros

    So-I have been pursuing a career in teaching after finishing college, and I had a question for the coaches/pros that might be on here. I’ve been certified as a professional earlier this year, I’ll be getting my Elite certification next month, and I’ve just been hired after assisting for about 10...
  3. MemphisTennis

    Racquet recommendations?

    Hi all! I’ve been going down a bad road, and I think I may be in the early stages of racquetholism. Played one year in D2, I play a little bit of league, tournaments intermittently, and I’m just struggling to find a stick that I really gel with. I hit pretty big off the ground on both wings...
  4. MemphisTennis

    Making contact higher on the serve?

    Here’s another clip of my serve. I’m really going back and forth with myself on how to fix this big limitation to my serve. Are there adjustments one can make to help get up and get the serve at a higher point? I think my overall motion is sound, but I am trying to figure out how to teach myself...
  5. MemphisTennis

    Nike product testing question

    Any Nike product testers on here for tennis shoes and apparel? I’ve been registered as one since last August, but have yet to be requested for testing. Is there anyone you can email regarding this? I wasn’t sure about how frequently you get to test or if I should have heard something by now...
  6. MemphisTennis

    Hitting with ATP pro

    Here’s some video of me hitting with a family friend who reached his career high in the top 120 last year! He may still get higher, but injury and the tour itself seem to have been extremely tough on him. I wish my dad had been better with the photography, but ah well! Here it is! He’s a close...
  7. MemphisTennis

    Match Mentality question

    I’ve had this account for years and totally forgot about it, but now I’ve got a question for you guys, maybe players with college/open experience and success. To give some background, I started playing when I was 16, and now I’m 24. I picked it up pretty naturally, am self taught, and I work...