Does O3 Tour "o ports" eat strings?


Got the O3 tour (which I like) that, as all O3 rackets, features the "O Ports" (no grommets).

Well, my first set of strings broke after 4 weeks (about 20 hours of play). I had it strung with 17 Gamma Livewire Pro at 56 (58 is mid point for the O3)

So, I just had it restrung with 16 Livewire Revelation at 57. After playing 2 hours, I've already noticed some minor filament shredding near the center crosses.

Is this a function of the O Ports? Before this I had a Babolat, and I'd have it strung maybe 2-3 times a year, before they broke. I don't want to have to get this O3 strung every month because they are breaking or at a breaking point.

Any ideas? Any recommendations of a softer string (which I prefer) that is known for durability?


Hall of Fame
I'm not sure about any softer strings that provide durability because you're asking for juxtaposed characteristics!

But yes, the O-Ports on the O3 series racquets eat up strings like no other.
I'm not sure why the O-ports would make the strings break faster, especially since they are breaking near the center. Perhaps they allow the strings to move more. The wilson with rollers supposedly shredded strings.

As for the Babolat, the mains are denser in the center so that may be the difference.

20 hours of play is pretty good though, I get about 10 hours on my 300g and I know a guy that only gets 2-3 hours on his Prince OG.

You could try some string savers to get a few more hours of play.


That's a fact...

The O3 Tour eats strings like mad, you'll have to adjust your budget and choose wisely.


New User
20 hours is pretty might want to try more durable strings like poly hybrid if you want it to last longer.
I have found the new Prince O Tour to be slightly harder on strings in general. The most likely explanation would be added string movement as nViATi mentioned in his response. I have also noticed through the years that Gamma strings are not the most durable. The Yonex Super 850 Pro Spin is a pretty durable multi and certainly worth a look. It's a good value as a quality multi under $10.00.


If you are a ALU user, you can switch to PolyStar Energy which comes in 1.30mm compared 1.25 for ALU. PolyStar has more power and is softer than ALU, the 1.30mm will indeed last longer. If you are not a stringbreaker, it comes in 1.20 for more spin.

Craig Sheppard

Hall of Fame
Well regardless of the O-ports eating strings, the O3 Tour is a 100 sq. in. racquet with a 16x18 string pattern! People used to complain about 95" racquets eating strings w/ 16x18 patterns... now you've got an even MORE open string pattern. That's the reason most likely.


20 Hours is actually REALLY good off a string like Gamma Livewire Pro 17, which is horrible in durability. When I had a 100 sq racquet 16x19 or so, I broke the string in 5 hours.