Does Syn Gut or Multi lose tension faster

  • Thread starter RAD... Me? No...
  • Start date

RAD... Me? No...

Does Syn Gut or Multi's lose tension faster? I realize that there are different products so your general thought would be nice.

The reason I ask is because I'm debating on buying some reels. I know what reel I want for my mains but I'm not sure about the cross. I have tried Head Syn Gut, Gosen Micro, Gamma TNT, Wilson Multi, Babolat Attraction and I like the fact that the Multi's don't move as much because there is some notching but was wondering about tension loss. I had ALU Rough on my Wilson nCode 6.1 and found that after about 22 hrs it still felt like the tension hadn't dropped dramatically. Unfortunately the Multi broke soon after that.

So if Multi lose tension faster which I assume it would then I guess I should stay w/a syn gut...

Your thoughts are appreciated.


I think that, generally, the more inelastic the string, the faster it loses tension. Thus, a synthetic gut should lose tension faster than a multi.


My experience is that regular syn gut seems to hold tension longer and is playable longer than multis *in general*


I agree with goober. In general, multi's lose tension more quickly than mono's.

But some multi's (like Laserfibre ones) addresses this issue and actually
maintain tension a lot better than average mono's.


My experience:

- multis do lose initial tension faster that solid core synthetics


- solid core synthetics lose more tension over the lifespan of the string job

For this reason, I play multis in my mains.


my experience is PSGD lost tension and get quite stable after some point, stiffen up fast towards the end of its life cycle.

Multi like NXT keeps dropping tension and fast.

i enjoy mixing them up. NXT in the mains. So i've got the feel of NXT and the SG cross extend its life time. A poly cross does it much better (keep tension) but could affect the feel too much.