Head Liquidmetal Prestige and Flexpoint Prestige


New User
I need some help... I am currently playing with the Babolat Pure Control and Head has offerred me a deal for rackets, bag, grips, and strings (which I don't want). Obviously I should do this, but what if I don't like the racket. I played with the Flexpoint Radical and the regular Radical and I didn't like it too much. They recommended the prestige flexpoint. I kind of like a stiffer racket and don't know if I will like the flexpoint prestige. What do you think? Is it a reasonable switch going from the Pure Control to the Liquidmetal Prestige? What are your thoughts on the Liquidmetal Prestige and Flexpoint? Thanks. -Nick
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FP prestige definitely plays stiffer than the LM prestige. I like the FP prestige alot more than the radical which i hated, so you should give it a try. I'd say its a reasonable switch cause i have made a similar switch myself. i used the pure control and now use the i.prestige. Man you must be a really good player. Head doesnt offer jack to anyone whose not amazing.
does that mean they're sponsoring you? If not, just take the racquets and sell them off... but if you ask me, yes i'll make the switch from pure control to prestiges. But sorry, your pure control is a lot stiffer than LM or FXP prestige


New User
bleno567 said:
FP prestige definitely plays stiffer than the LM prestige. I like the FP prestige alot more than the radical which i hated, so you should give it a try. I'd say its a reasonable switch cause i have made a similar switch myself. i used the pure control and now use the i.prestige. Man you must be a really good player. Head doesnt offer jack to anyone whose not amazing.

Thanks, but I knew I would hear this from someone. My best friend's dad is the CEO or somethin of the USPTA. He thinks I'm a good player and the Head representative was at the USPTA office and watched me play. He is a real cool guy and told me if I get top 50 in the nation he will sponsor me.
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I have Head FXP Prestige MP. I feel like it's about as stiff as
Yonex RDX 500. The Pure Control I have played in 2002 felt
stiffer. FXP Prestige is stiffer than previous generation Prestige's.
But I feel like it's still kinda flexy in the hoop area.

In conclusion, I don't think a switch from Babolat Pure Control
to FXP Prestige MP is such a radical change.


I have several Head Prestige LM Mids. I think they're great because it's a very flexible and comfortable control-oriented racquet with decent power when strung with natural gut. But, if you like stiff frames you probably won't like it. I've heard here that the flexpoint is stiffer. Good luck!