Racquet demoing help

I'm trying to decide on a racquet to demo, which one of these would you recommend?
  • 1.Tecnifibre TFight 305 VO2 Max
  • 2.Dunlop Biomimetic 300 Tour
  • 3.Head YOUTEK IG Radical Pro
All of these have similar specs. And i can't demo all of them because I already have 3 other racquets picked out.


A few questions...

What is your playing level & style? (e.g., Serve & Volley, 1HBH or 2, etc.)
What are your currently using?
What are you looking to get out of the new frame?
What other 3 racquets have you chosen?

I'd lean towards the Dunlop or Head, but without knowing answers to the other questions we really cant help you all that much other than tell you our preference.