Sources for Fischer grommet strips?


Can anybody help with a specific vendor/dealer who would sell strip sets? Looking for the Pro One. Thanks in advance.


Contacting Fischer's head office in Austria worked for me. I first called them, and was given someone's E mail address (again, at the head office in Austria). After a few back and forth E mails, things eventually got moving (I did have to push the individual after nothing had happened for over a month, despite my being told that they would get me the grommet strips). Beginning to end was probably about 3 months - but I got 4 old Vac Pro 90 grommet strips sent to me for free.

Well - almost free. I did have to pay for the initial phone call (perhaps 39 cents).


The last time I needed Grommets, Fischer Customer Service advised to contact a local Fischer Dealer or call the Gamma/Fischer Grommet Hotline @ 800-866-7071.


"Grommet Hotline" - that's funny.

I tried to get the aforementioned grommets through Gamma before I called Fischer in Austria. Repeated attempts yielded this response each time from Gamma: "We're new to distributing Fischer. Grommets are not a priority to us at all. Maybe we'll get around to grommets one day... but it won't be soon."