Tutorial: Easily measuring your string tension


Has anyone noticed the large change in pitch the dampeners make? I had a brief google and apparently the dampeners do not affect string tension, however - I compared two racquets one is significantly lower in pitch than the other until you add the dampener, then it becomes the racket with the highest tension. (I haven't yet tried calculating the numbers using the method described above...)

I got interested in this as I tried playing with Prince exo3 rebel 95 and was hitting everything long and too hard. I was surprised as the prince is described as a 'low power' racket in all the reviews... This is changing from a dunlop 100 biomimetic which must be really low power or the prince is just strung too low, I haven't changed from the manufacturer's strings yet...

Rajan Rackets

New User
Being the prowd owner of 3 rebel 95s and 1 rebel 95 team (2009 models) they are compatibly low porter framer. Expecially after you break them in the flex A LOT on Impact.
If you pair it with a upper to mid tent opens poly the racket
Plays beautifully. Head sonic pro edge, Lux savage, Lux 4G, Kirsh pro line or shark etc.
Since they are relatively string sensation rackets I'm sure the dampened makes a difference in the sound, but it can't be affecting the tension unless you are constantly takin it out and Putting it in.
Regardless - it may be your strings. Any of the above can bump the tension and play superbly.


Hall of Fame
Oh man, it's really weird seeing this old thread bumped back to the top of the board. If memory serves correctly, Gaines Hillix passed away many years ago. Btw, these days you don't need to know book learnin' type math. You just need $2.00, a credit card, and a smart phone. What's the phrase? there's an App for that.
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I can't see how measuring pitch of the string when struck works though, as apparently dampeners do not alter the tension but evidently make such a big difference to the pitch. I assume the apps for your phone measure the pitch the string makes...