What does Fed have to do to beat Nadal ?


Besides the obviously need to 'man up' against the beast. I'm finding it hard to see ways for Fed to beat Nadal. I would love to see Fed volley more. However, I don't know if it's possible to dominate the net in the modern game (and he doesn't seem to truly believe in his ability at net). Add to this Fed clearly has to take more risks from the baseline increasing the possible error rate. Sure, if Fed's in the zone and serving 70+ he should win, but with the current mental crisis what tactics can consistently work against Nadal? Does he need to run around his backhand more to combat the Nadal's high kicking crosscourt forehand. Take more risks on the returns, chip and charge more..what???? Nadal's rate of improvement has been out of this world, it hard to see what will work for Fed. In the future I think Nadal's style will take it's toll on his body. Fed will still be strong force when this time comes.Idea's?