What Tennis Has Done For Me...


Hall of Fame
Wow, tennis is a beautiful sport. I love that it can be violent, but if played in the hands of a person who has control. It can be extremely beautiful.

Today, we had a going away party for two tennis players. There were a lot of old players there, in their 40s, 50s and I'm guessing older. A lot of the old players, I could of killed them (and did hit a lot of good winners).

There was a lot of beautiful touch. A lot of volleys, a lot of drop shots, and a lot of technical hits. It was a beautiful game today.

I just recently got involved in a league, I've done a few tournaments. But what Tennis has done for me is really shape my life and keep me grounded and social!

I was into PC Gaming before I got into Tennis. I joined the boys tennis team, and it turned out great. I really enjoyed Tennis and continue playing today.

I use to be overweight. Around 170-180 lbs. Now, I'm at the right weight for my age and height around 135-140 lbs. I've gained muscles. Gained friends. Gained a lot.

I managed girls tennis team, and made a lot of good girl friends from there. Some of the best friendships ever. I play with my friends from the boys varsity every once in awhile.

Man, it's done so much for my life.


What- you weren't happy being an overweight dude sitting in front of your pc owning noobs at games? :)


Nice story!

I've made many friends through tennis as well but more than that, playing tennis just makes me feel better. When you play sports 'feel good' chemicals are released and it can be very rewarding.
A few months ago I was really down in the dumps; my life had totally fallen apart. I decided to spend more time playing tennis even though it was winter and playing indoors was very inconvenient and pricey but it was worth it. I got through the tough times and tennis(and basketball) made it 100 times more bearable. Sports is one of the best things in life.


Tennis has also done a lot for me. It has helped me lose a lot of wheight while getting fit. I always have been big, not jolly chef fat, but more of an athletic fat. But today the fitness person who was at my indoor club who hasnt seen me for awhile didnt reconize me today, he said I look thinner. Makes one feel good :D


This is really a great topic. Most of us are born with a natural instinct to compete physically, I think. Probably left over from our days of running through the jungle competing for food. Our ancestors had to do this til death and some must have lived to be old, even during those times. We are also social critters. We like to run in packs to chase the food. For me, tennis has satisfied these natural instincts. I am past middle age, and still love the game, still take lessons and clinics and try to get better. Socially, probably 90% of our local friendships have come from tennis. Some we will have for life. So tennis is a large part of my life. Hopefully, I'll be playing for many years to come. And I try to encourage everyone to get involved in the game, youngsters and oldsters. We donate rackets, I string for free for kids that can't afford it, and it is just great. As I said, a great topic.

Kaptain Karl

Hall Of Fame
Our town was "dead" for tennis. So three years ago I decided to organize a Tennis Ladder. We are going strong, today.

I've established some very solid friendships -- not to mention, some good business contacts. You can tell a lot about a man's character by his on-court behavior. Now I know a *bunch* of Good Guys.

(I also still keep in touch with three College teammates ... from twenty years ago. Tennis friendships can be lasting friendships.)

- KK