Two greats of the 70´s...hit 70


Jan Kodes and Ilie Nastase put eastern europe ( or communist europe) tennis into preeminence in the early 70´s setting up the ladder for those like Navratilova,Mandlikova,Lendl and a few others, who would continue until the implosion of the Eastern Bloc.

Both hit 70 this year...and in 1970 both faced each other at the two biggest cc finals, with Nastase winning Rome and Kodes winning Paris.

Both different characters, but close friends.When one of them was facing Russia in DC always invited the other to support him.

Thanks Jan and Ilie, two special characters of the most special era as far as charisma and class is concerned.


Jan Kodes and Ilie Nastase put eastern europe ( or communist europe) tennis into preeminence in the early 70´s setting up the ladder for those like Navratilova,Mandlikova,Lendl and a few others, who would continue until the implosion of the Eastern Bloc.

Both hit 70 this year...and in 1970 both faced each other at the two biggest cc finals, with Nastase winning Rome and Kodes winning Paris.

Both different characters, but close friends.When one of them was facing Russia in DC always invited the other to support him.

Thanks Jan and Ilie, two special characters of the most special era as far as charisma and class is concerned.

Jan Kodes and Ilie Nastase, charisma and class? Oh wait, I think you meant Ilie Nastase and Jan Kodes, charisma and class, yes?

