would a new replacement grip solve blister problem?


i get blisters using my kblade 98 on my right hand index finger and left hand palm (near thumb) with stock grip and no overgrip. Would buying a new replacement grip solve the problem, or should I just use an overgrip?


Hall of Fame
what grip do you have at the moment?
you could try an overgrip. Otherwise just tape up the blisters when you play - when they heal you should get tougher skin and won't get any more blisters.

I generally play through the pain as I'm pretty manly. also the tape slips off when I sweat my manly musk.
haha k I'll stop.


Unless the grip either too tacky (too much friction), or wearing out, a change of grip should help your blister.

Barricade V

no I don't think so, try changing overgrips. I just use a replacement grip with no overgrips and I get blisters every now and then, but its worth it because the K grip is amazing


Sounds like my problem. Only way to solve it is to build calluses, try a variety of overgrips (I'd suggest Yonex Super Grap), and use athletic tape.