Colonizing Mars a reality?


It should be easy enough to move folks there , plenty of people want to go somewhere new ,housing is an issue most places and there is lots of money doing nothing but collecting interest so im sure the owners would be happy to chip in.
Then they could develop new malls and shops etc where the folks that were sent up there used to live.
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Bionic Poster
okay have it your way, humans, keep living in the Shire in your little hobbit homes, and don't dare ever step outside your little rabbit hole.


Bionic Poster
Mars is becoming crowded and expensive. I think i'll go further away to Jupiter or Uranus where the price of land is a lot cheaper.


If you ask me, interstellar travel should be #1 on mankind's agenda (although slightly long-term, but still on top). But for that we need to stop all these silly wars, this infighting which is sucking up science, money, time, and brainpower. We need to get mundane stuff totally automated so we don't need to struggle to make ends meet all our life.

All daily chores and work need to taken care of by robots or automation so we do not _have_ to work.

Then science can focus on important things like interstellar travel. It just sucks that our entire lives are spent trying to pay bills and doing stuff that is just so uncreative. Science needs to be creative and free too, not tied down and stifled by industrial lobbies and politicians afraid of change.

I know my thoughts on this are totally uninformed and silly, but i'd like people who know better to respond.

To repeat and summarize, it absolutely and totally sucks that interstellar travel is on no one's agenda, on no one's horizon even. Are we (the living) dead ?

What…interstellar travel
The majority of people on this planet haven’t traveled outside of their continent or even their own country.
All 6 billions of us pack like sardines within the area of about 15% of the entire earth surface and we need more space?
For the Kardashians or the Biebers…maybe


Bionic Poster
Maybe ocean colonies are more feasible?

I would suggest making artificial floating islands as they have done in South Korea. Why should the sea be a huge wasteland?

But we must consider the environmental effects on marine life as well as what to do if there is a hurricane.

Alternatively, we can all have "mobile homes" in cruise ships. The ships constantly move, and all the occupants share the fuel costs. All work is done remotely through the cloud and ports provide the occasional foray into land.


Bionic Poster
Maybe ocean colonies are more feasible?

I would suggest making artificial floating islands as they have done in South Korea. Why should the sea be a huge wasteland?

But we must consider the environmental effects on marine life as well as what to do if there is a hurricane.

Alternatively, we can all have "mobile homes" in cruise ships. The ships constantly move, and all the occupants share the fuel costs. All work is done remotely through the cloud and ports provide the occasional foray into land.
Waterworld .... and Elysium ?


Bionic Poster
As a matter of fact, it's all black

(allusion to Dark Side of the Moon, since i know you won't get it)

You seem to be asking a lot of penetrating questions ....

Is there a Black Hole in YourAnus?

Actually, there's a worm-hole that will get you to MyBlackHole. According to Einstein-Rosen there's also a white-hole to get you out intact, should you find it claustrophobic. However, in preliminary tests, people have exited into someone else's, so don't count on MyWhiteHole. In any case, if you get lost, I'll just have to pick you out :)