Alternative TE therapy


New User
I've played for 30+ years with no problems- until 11 weeks ago. Got TE and rested for 5 weeks. I felt no pain in erveryday activities so I tried to hit easily. The pain came right back. Got a steroid shot; great, the pain dissappeared, rested for 10 days, played 2 days, and the pain is back! Extremely frustrated. Several buddies touted accupunture, and I looked at ART. A website mentioned "trigger-point therapy". Trigger point therapy has things in common with ART, accupuncture, and deep-tissue massage. A popular book is out by C Davies that demonstrates SELF-MASSAGE as therapy and how to find the right locations of the muscles to massage. The short version is that I feel better after 4 days of self therapy than I have in 11 weeks and have hit the ball with little pain. Check Google for "trigger point therapy" and Davies to find the book; Barnes-Noble and other websites have it as well. This is not an eastern medicine; the research is strictly western medicine oriented and documented over 20 years ago. Give it a look-see.


New User
Thanks; yes I have changed to a PK Ki5; it has helped, but the elbow still got worse until I started Trigger point.