Another milestone in the electrification revolution


Planes. Yep Planes

1st off, the USAF tested one and it rocked and they want to buy it!:

Next up airliners. Some breakthroughs and they are planning a plane in service by 2033 (poor Bose):

This company has an influx of cash and 250 orders for its electric plane:



A small milestone, at any rate. Somewhat limited utility, being propeller-driven with attendant limited speed, and little in the article about range.


Texas says electric planes are not allowed in their state because their electric grid cannot handle it. They said the amount of electricity needed for one short flight would equal the entire electric needs for all Texans for one year.


Texas says electric planes are not allowed in their state because their electric grid cannot handle it. They said the amount of electricity needed for one short flight would equal the entire electric needs for all Texans for one year.
Texas says alot of things....


A small milestone, at any rate. Somewhat limited utility, being propeller-driven with attendant limited speed, and little in the article about range.
There are still prop airliners, though its a fair point, but things are advancing and there will be market pressures and competition to drive the technology. You are probably old enough to have said that very same thing about the Wright Brothers :) and it would have been true too, except the small milestone thing....


Bionic Poster
Texas says electric planes are not allowed in their state because their electric grid cannot handle it. They said the amount of electricity needed for one short flight would equal the entire electric needs for all Texans for one year.
Plus the oil billionaires would complain


Plus the oil billionaires would complain
My theory: from my observations, the traffic lights in Texas stop cars as much as possible and for as long as possible. This is done through the camera sensors that are placed above the traffic lights. If you drive toward a green light at 3am and there are no other cars in any direction for miles and miles, you would think the camera sensors would keep the light green. No, not in Texas. In Texas, environmental friendly policies, efficiency in traffic, not important. What's important, you ask? Profits for oil billionaires. Let cars sit in front of red lights for as long as possible and make them accelerate from zero over and over so they have to go to the gas station more often so oil billionaires can make as much money as possible.

Just my theory. From my observations.