Any updates with Diadem racquets at present?


I haven’t heard or seen much marketing going on with Diadem lately. They did release a new cosmetic update of their Elevate and Nova ranges last year with the Nova getting a full foam treatment inside the head but as far as international exposure things are a bit quiet. Is there any activity happening where you are with the brand ?


I kinda agree with you. If you want to win ppl over just charge the cost of shipping maybe. I know its hard as a start up and playing against some large corps but you need to build a homegrown base.


Diadem have a nice succinct range although I would like to see them release a traditionally weighted players frame in the 325g range, and grip 5’s.
Not sure how they are going but they need to keep marketing otherwise momentum can be lost.
As an interesting twist, it would be amazing if someone like Diadem would dare to manufacture in the US. It would be amazing for the US to have a brand and I would be prepared to pay a little more to keep workers in a job.


Their Diadem Solstice Power Power string is what I’ve used for the last 4 months. Their racquets are as good as anything on the market right now, as well.