are my frames cracked?

i have two of the same frames, nearly identical stock numbers, customized with lead and leather grips, strung at 65 each with msv(co-poly i believe)

i have used these two rackets for more than a year now and have just noticed after my second year at my high school that there are two chips at the top of the heads on both of my rackets. after the paint came off i noticed a hair like crack or chip in the frame i cannot tell. is this any cause for worry? i have always used tight polys am i finnaly paying the price(restringin usually one or twice a month) also i would drop the racket on the head(i try to do it lightly) if im upset and catch it back in my head just to let frustration out. i am worried because i really would hate to lose both of my sticks:?


New User
if its a crack most likely it will get worse over time and with every string job. Dropping it on the head obviously does not help the cause and will probably just speed up the process of your racquet breaking even more. you'll know it is really cracked once you feel a lot of jarring and vibration after every hit.
yonex rqis 1 tour sorry i thought i posted that up i have had them since i would say april 16th 2008
is there a way i could test if they are cracked?