Been a tough week


If the stories were true you wouldn't have the time and will to post here, amigo. You would have had much more important problems to deal with than to inform everyone about your calamities.

Your lies are even more boring than your stories.


I work full time and do sports ??
What do you do besides run your fat mouth


If the stories were true you wouldn't have the time and will to post here, amigo. You would have had much more important problems to deal with than to inform everyone about your calamities.

Your lies are even more boring than your stories.


You have no interesting stories to share because you’re a giant zero


Nah, dgold is salt and pepper to this place! Stick around!

This clown is going on iggy and is a big mouth zero with zero creativity and I bet I would kill him in tennis , too

He is a tennis hack of zero skills along with zero upstairs

Atleast I have interesting posts even through I agree I complain way too much
You have the creativity of a dead man
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Stay! I like your musings and comments about life's travails. If life wasn't full of surprises, it would be very boring.

Good point. Over the weekend we had our annual lay Dominican retreat and a young deacon spoke about the "joy" of Lent. . . and for me the key idea is that Christians have a condition of permanent joy at the knowledge of heaven, despite the travails of mortality. You can be a man full of pain and agony, and yet have happiness.


Your indignation of me means zero to me !!!!
I never asked for pity as you won’t get any from me !!!
Now in person :I am the most private person you can imagine
Here I am a great contrast
Yikes. Someone is living in a powder keg giving off sparks. Hair trigger.
Definitely don't go, @dgold44 - your threads are much needed around here. Just look at the view and reply counts. People really like them.

I don't think that you are conflating or aggrandizing your everyday life. Often your posts seem slightly surreal but still grounded in real life. Keep it up.

well, at least it's legal in Nevada

LOL, I just got what you meant by this.

My fav coach only will teach mma class and is a former high level ufc fighter. He taught me so much in the only 15 classes he was here .
I approached him alone about privates and we’re on in 3 weeks for once a week . There is no way I can progress without him

I understand this situation. Someone in my Japanese class is an expert aikido practitioner. Last year his sense retired. It caused a lot of upheavel because even though he practices at an extremely high level he is reliant on further instruction.