Can a stiff cross string reduce spin potential of a normal/elastic main string


New User

I usually play with Mayami tour hex 1.23 at 23.5-24kg. But i just tried Mayami Magic twist 1.25 at 25.8kg and felt et should have been at around 26.5kg instead. I liked it but the tension droped to much after around 3 hours.
So I tried a blend with 25.2 kg 1.25 magic twist main and 23.7kg 1.25 Msv focus hex soft cross (because tour hex is sold out).
The feel was ok, but I lost a good amount of spin and it felt like the magic twist couldnt fully connect with the ball. So I guess ball impact oroduced more force with the cross string than with the main or maybe the snap back was reduced.

I'm aware that the stiffest string will always dominate the sensation.
The K-stifness (from Twh university) factor of Msv focus hex soft is 228.
My guess is that the K-stifness factor of Mayami magic twist 1.25 is around 190, but could be a bit lower or higher.
I had 1.5kg in tension difference and if we estimate that the magic twist is 15% (16,7% vs 190-k) more elastic than msv fh soft, then it should maybe have been strung at 27.5kg main when the msv cross is strung at 24kg so around 3.5kg diffrence wich seems like a lot with a 16/19 pattern.

Do you think that higher tension diffrence would have improved spin and main string ball connection?
Guess ball pocketing have a impact on spin aswell. But it felt like mt/msv had more ball pocketing than pure MT.


Thanks for any inputs.


My understanding is that stiff crosses give max spin potential. Head lynx spin has a soft 16g shaped main and a 17g stiff round cross


New User
Also in one of the tw podcast with Head’s development guy he said they found higher tension in cross gives better spin.


New User
Also in one of the tw podcast with Head’s development guy he said they found higher tension in cross gives better spin.
Guess you can brush more on the ball without gettting a high launch angel if the tension is high and have more racket head speed without the ball landing to deep. But maybe the high tension reduce main string snap back/string movement and make it a bit more difficult to hit the ball "thinly" /without gettin some trampoline effekt if the string is elastic.


New User
Guess you can brush more on the ball without gettting a high launch angel if the tension is high and have more racket head speed without the ball landing to deep. But maybe the high tension reduce main string snap back/string movement and make it a bit more difficult to hit the ball "thinly" /without gettin some trampoline effekt if the string is elastic.
I assume the guy was talking about relative differences in tension, so higher cross vs higher main. His main point was string gut main much higher than poly cross is bad for your racquet and maybe even lower spin potential.


It's never been proven that "snapback" of the string creates spin. I have my doubts about it. I don't think the ball is on the strings long enough for the string to snap back on the ball.