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Hi, I am looking for a tennis camp in Europe for my 14 year old, ideally something with low students per coach, and option for daily private lessons. Ideally somewhere that competitive juniors train, and is good at motivating boys who are good but lazy to maximize any potential. He has been playing since age 5, and competitive tennis from 8, and loves tennis but is not super motivated at the moment to try hard. I have been his coach for the last 2-3 years so probably a lot of bad form to correct...
No ambitions for him to go pro or college tennis etc, just want him to get the opportunity to get really good at a sport he loves. Ideally not too far flight from London so rules out the US. Looking at the last week of August. Any suggestions or experience would be very much appreciated!
No ambitions for him to go pro or college tennis etc, just want him to get the opportunity to get really good at a sport he loves. Ideally not too far flight from London so rules out the US. Looking at the last week of August. Any suggestions or experience would be very much appreciated!