Fischer Pro No. 1 - finally found a great racket that isn't available.


I played all weekend with a Fischer Pro No. 1.

I've been trying to switch away from my Diablo mid because it's just to demanding and it hurts my arm.

The Fischer was fantastic. Much easier to swing, more flexible (in the right way), lighter, but still very solid.

But, they don't make it anymore. The ones left at ********s aren't my grip size. Obviously I can look on ****, in the forums on TW.

But, what about equivalents like the M Speed Pro No. 1 Light, or Pro No. 1 FT. Can anyone recommend something close to the Pro No. 1.


Hall of Fame
I just tried it this evening and feel the same way as you. I think there are a few on the auction site but they may not be your grip size. The original vt pro 98 is about as close as it gets and you can find it and the original pro 1 (red and black) on the site as well. I am sure there are differences in the way they play but atleast they are all supposedly the same 'model'.


Nothing really feels like it, hate to say it but look at other sites that still have them avaiable. You should probably hurry, cause I have heard alot of people are trying to stock up since they are discontiuned.


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People, do not attempt to setup deals in the racquet section. That is against the TT policy and will in result in banning.

-SF, TT Mod


You can wait just a few weeks. From everything I've read the new No Tolerance will only feature a new pj and perhaps a different styled grip. Seems those are the only differences that I have seen. This is purely speculation, I don't know for sure. I play with two MSpeeds now and if they would just straighten out the beam I would be happy.


Hall of Fame
Yeah I heard its the same racquet with a new pj as well, too bad I really like the new pj, but I'm not shelling out the money if I already have 3 of the older ones.


New User
I discovered the Pro #1 about 6 months ago after demoing about 30 racquets and knew instantly it was going to be my stick for the next few years. Incredibly comfortable and performance-oriented. I've picked up 5 of them on the forums and on the auction site, generally for around $60/each. People laugh at me because I have so many racquets in my bag (a little strange for a 4.0-ish player I guess) but wanted to stock up since it's out of production and the price is (consequently) right! Check the forums and the auction site periodically and you'll be able to pick some up with a little patience.
I played with the red and black Pro No. 1 and the M Pro. No. 1 and thought the M version is an improvement over the red and black version. since the regualr weight M Pro. No. 1 seems to be sold out, an alternative is to get the Light version in the smallest grip size, and rebuild it to the size you want. that adds weight too (15g?) which is needed in my opinion.
just my two cents. good luck.


You can wait just a few weeks. From everything I've read the new No Tolerance will only feature a new pj and perhaps a different styled grip. Seems those are the only differences that I have seen. This is purely speculation, I don't know for sure. I play with two MSpeeds now and if they would just straighten out the beam I would be happy.

So, you're saying that the Zero Tolerance has the same specs as the Pro No. 1, or the M-Speed Pro No. 1.

BTW, I got lucky and got two brand new Pro No. 1s off of *bay. Great racket.


Hall of Fame
I think that the M Speed is a big step down from the previous Pro No One. It's just too flexible and wobbly, i had much better control with the previuos version. Plus the M Speed has more power on the groundstrokes (bad) and less power on the serves (bad).


New User
Is the older one (red and black) stiffer than mspeed?


Yes, definitely. The rating on TW was something like 60 versus 59 but the MSpeed seems much more flexible vis-a-vis the old Pro #1 than that. Also, surprisingly to me, I found the MSpeed to be more arm friendly than the old Pro #1 (and the old Pro #1 was very arm friendly). Used the old Pro #1 for almost a year and didn't think I could like the MSpeed more but I actually do.