Good Shoes for Weekend Club Play


I'm playing about 3-5 sets per week and I'm in the market for my first true tennis shoes for hardcourt play. I'm a grinder and just getting into being a "casual" (hate that term, but it is what it is) club player. I don't have a ton of cash at the moment, but I know there are great values in just about any category of equipment. I'm looking to spend + - $50 on a pair that will last me a few months at least. I know I'm going to get feedback from those who only play with the best and most expensive, and that's cool if that's your thing. Some of us work for a living. Anyway, suggestions please!

Capt. Willie

Hall of Fame
Adidas Barricade Club. Not as durable as the regular Barricades but that shouldn't be a problem for you. They are lighter than the Barricade and you should be able to find a pair (last season colorway) for about $60


You've chosen the right time to buy if you look for sales this week. You should be able to get a first rate pair of shoes from K-Swiss or Wilson, for example, for around $50 that's been significantly discounted from the original price.

I mention K-Swiss because I wear the Big Shot 2.5 Lights, which are disappearing as a new model takes over. I think that are a high quality shoe. I get more than a few months playing out of them, and I buy them on sale.