Gut Hybrid Stringing Length Question

David Payumo

New User
With all these post about making Gut hybrids, I was wondering do people have enough string in one gut package to make two hybrids?

For example I use the Head Prestige Classic 600. Brad Smith says he needs 21 feet of string for the mains and 17 feet of string for the crosses to string this racquet .

Bow Brand Champ Natural Gut is 37.5 feet. So this is not enough string for two hybrids with Gut mains?

Most string packages are 40 feet in length. So even 40 feet isn't long enough for two Gut mains hybrid string jobs.

Can somebody please clarify this for me? Do people get 2 Gut mains (for hybrids) out of one gut package?
I recently strung a Prestige Classic with BowBrand `17 and Ogen Generic 17 in the crosses. Just measured the bowbrand out, snipped it exactly in half. No problem having enough string.


Hall of Fame
Been there . . . Done that !

If you come up a few inches short, you can always tie an old piece on, too.

. . . Bud

Steve Huff

Another thing you can do if you come up short is this: Tie off the mains after stringing the 8th main on each side at the top. Then, use your synthetic, start at the top, string your last main on one side, your bottom cross, your last main on the other side, then start your crosses at the top. Without looking it up, I think this has an 18 x 19 pattern. If so, weave the top cross the same as the bottom cross. If it has an 18 x 20 pattern, string the top cross the opposite of the last cross.