Gut hybrid

I just bought 2 volkl O10 325 and am in the process of dialing them in.

One of the racquets came strung with Babolat tonic 16 (nat gut). Not sure what tension but it feels like mid 50s.

I strung the other with full poly (spiky shark 17) at 56/54

I appreciate the crazy spin I get from poly but when I'm grooving I just can't get enough of the gut feel. I really like the power I can tap into, the spin is decent but my slice and touch game (volleys, drop shots, etc) have never been better. Poly just feels a little to dead to me.

I play with nice long strokes, decent top spin (working on that) lots of kick on serve and can usually provide all the power I need regardless of racquet/string.

Should I try

Poly mains w gut/syn gut/multi crosses to get spin of poly with softer feel?

Gut mains w smooth poly (pro hurricane) will the poly give me more control/spin if its in the crosses than a full bed of nat gut?

Full gut at a high tension (62/60)

Full bed of rpm at a lower tension (suggestions? Maybe 50?)

Obviously I wish I could try them all in a bunch of different racquets but that's out of the question.

I usually don't break strings so I appreciate that gut stays playable until it breaks.


Poly mains love to eat gut crosses for breakfast. Poly crosses love to eat multi mains for dinner.

Gut mains pre-stretched, poly cross. And if you don't care, you'll be able to restring the crosses only this way