How to make a powerful frame less powerful


I have a wilson Hammer Lt (7pts HH,9.2 Oz, 110 OS). I love this racquet as for my level it works very good. My coach says that i should start using a less head size and more control focussed racquet as my stroke mechanics have become much better.

Is there any way i can make this less powerful and more control focussed instead of buying a new one? . Does lead taping help?

joe sch

If your not using polyester string then try stringing your frame either in poly or a poly blend hybrid. A higher tension will also powerdown your racket and give you more control. Both of these suggestions will also hurt your arm and shoulder more so use caution.


New User
You can influence the control of your racquet to a certain degree with string tension (high tension for control, low tension for power), string material and lead tape imo. But you will never achieve the control level of a midplus/midsize frame.

Gaines Hillix

Hall of Fame
Indiantwist said:
I have a wilson Hammer Lt (7pts HH,9.2 Oz, 110 OS). I love this racquet as for my level it works very good. My coach says that i should start using a less head size and more control focussed racquet as my stroke mechanics have become much better.

Is there any way i can make this less powerful and more control focussed instead of buying a new one? . Does lead taping help?

I would consider adding weight to the handle, which will change the balance and make it more head light and it will also get you used to using a heavier frame. You can dampen the power somewhat by stringing it with Head Rip Control. These would get you to that next step. Eventually you're going to need to move on to a more advanced level acquet.


Just my 2 cents.
Once you start doing modification to your racquet, you might not like it any more. All of the changes will change the way racquet feels, there is no way to reduce the power, while keeping the same feel.