Indoor Painting (help please)

So i'm painting the indoors of my house, basically painting the walls and not touching the ceiling. I just tried a room so far, where I taped the edges that met the ceiling, and unfortunately the paint still bled through.

I was thinking of using this edge painter thing from Shur-Line which is just a pad with wheels on the edge that i can just glide across the top of the wall. has anyone used this? And does it work?

I will need to used this cause there is one room where the ceiling is vaulted and because of cabinets and just the way the wall is situated I won't be able to reach that high to tape off the ceiling edge, even with a ladder. So that edge painter thing might work cause I can attach it to an extender. But i wanted to see if anyone has used it or has any better ideas.



If your paint bled through your tape, you either 1- had cheap tape (not painters tape) or 2-didn't stick it to the wall firmly enough. I didn't care for the edger myself, seemed I kept having to reload it. Also, I still taped. Best thing is to press your tape down REALLY good and be very careful. I know that sounds like common sense but edging, for me, is an exercise in patience and steady hands.