Me vs Wall


New User
Sorry, I posted the wrong video twice on my original thread and it got really cluttered as I couldn't edit my posts. Mods, please help me delete my other thread, thanks!

Hi all,

I struggle hitting low, paceless shots, and so I find that wall practice provides almost exactly the kind of shot that I hate to hit. Please comment/critique.

A couple of things:

1. Am I using too much arm on my forehand?

2. Is there really any way to end the point against the wall gracefully, short of lobbing it and bringing out the fistpumps?


Bionic Poster
I couldn't view your wall hitting.
Serves, basic good form for twist and topspin slow moving, hard spinning second serves.
DO NOT fall backwards to your right. You are losing too much pace and spin, and getting out of position after you serve.
But otherwise, keep practicing, and swing a little faster, please.


New User
Anyone else can't view? I checked with a friend he says it's watchable (as in, the video, not me hitting.. har har)


Wall hitting is so hard. It is a lot better if you can get a ball machine. It also raises your confidence alot, since you look like a pro, pounding those drives. The wall however, the secret is to hit it hard enough, so the ball can bounce back with only one bounce. If you hit a weak shot, you lose rhythm and the ball starts to die and you gotta scoop it up to save the momentum.

Wall in not fun.


Yea, hitting on the wall is rough.

Try to hit the ball by rotating your upper body more and not as much arm movement


I watched it. I think you should improve your timing and hit more elaborately and relaxed.

You were rushing - either due to bad timing, abbreviated technique or ...sorry to say a bit out of shape.


New User

I think your strokes look pretty solid overall. That said, the wall is hard to use for some people because they try to hit the ball too hard. If you do this, the ball comes back too quickly and you end up with a short, rushed backswing to catch up, and this carries over into your strokes on court (not good).

I'm all about wall ball but I really work on rhythm, consistency, and hitting at about half pace at all times. Also, don't underestimate usefulness of one-hopping overheads into the wall - good practice.

One real ass-kicking drill is to get about 6 feet from the wall and go wide with sharp-angled alternating forehands and backhands. If you really push yourself wide on both sides you won't believe how winded you get after 50 or so hits, really good for the legs (people who see you may take you for a masochist).
I think your form looks good on the wall.
On your first serve, you tossed the ball too far to your right, causing you to fall off to the right. I couldn't get the second serve sequence to play smoothly.
There are a lot of different drills you can do against a wall.
Besides alternating forehands and backhands, you can work on your running groundstrokes by hitting a succession of "inside out" forehands or backhands (your wall looks wide enough to do this).
If you move up to only 8 feet away you work on hitting volleys.
You can work youself right to left, and then left to right hitting just all forehand and then backhand volleys.
Step back to just about 12 feet and work on your half volleys.
Play serve and volley, coming in to volley off the wall after starting the sequence with a serve.
Serve, then hit groundstokes, until you get a short ball that lets you "rush the wall".
Step back and let it bounce twice to work on hitting low groundstrokes.
Move in and take it "on the rise" to work on your timing for this kind of shot.
These are just a few examples - use your imagination.


New User
Thanks for the comments guys, I'm not sure what user92626 sees as rushing, as I felt I was hitting pretty relaxed. One thing I did notice after watching this:

was that in the video, I'm bending over at the waist to get to low balls, as opposed to bending my knees (on both wings). So yeah I'll have to work on that.