New Poster With Questions


New User

Quick and dirty: I have always enjoyed tennis played for one year in high school, now about 7 years later rekindled my love of the game. I want to become a decent player who competes in local tournaments for fun.

I have been playing everyday two hour sessions, for the last 3 weeks. I recently have switched rackets from a prince triple threat bandit to a head liquid metal radical. Reason being I was looking for more control, and heavier top spin.

Recently I have been experiencing pain in my wrist, and it is now moving into my elbow. This started happening after I switched from my prince to the head. I don't know the reason for the pain, I have been playing with dead balls, and I'm not sure if my forehand is correct or not. The things I have been reminding myself to do are to keep a loose grip, **** the wrist back slightly and following impact "paint the rainbow" or "check my watch". My topspin is good but I lack power. I'm thinking I am going to switch back to the prince, as it is light, head heavy, and powerful. Hopefully my pain will subsist.

I do not have access to a trainer but want to get better. I also do not know if my technique is correct. I want to play but don't want to ingrain any poor habits as I am still a beginner. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance


New User
it could be that suddenly starting to play so much,compared to what you used to do,is making the pain,until your body gets used to it

or you could just be doing your forehand wrong..,only thing i can suggest is take your raquet back early,and go from high(behind you) to low(contact point),to high again(over your left shoulder),and try now to do the wrist bending thing you said you do,for a few days just try to keep it locked while making contact,then naturally as you start to get better and hit it cleaner,it'll start to bend/snap a little on its own without you conciouslly thinking about it

good luck :)