New Prince Racquets to come


So the Prince rep. came in today to the club I work at. He showed us 2 new rackets to come out soon
O3 Yellow, This is actually, the O3 Blue except it is in special edition form. 5% of the proceeds go toward war vets, and that is where the yellow comes from. It has a yellow ribbon on the racquet. Seems like a great cause, he said only like 2500 or something like that would be made.

Also the O3 tour hybrid looks sweet. My kinda racket. This one was a 95" 12 oz. new look for prince. The head was much more oval and the O3 ports were on the sides only. The rep. said James Blake wanted it like that however he would have his own frame coming out later on which is different, yet very similar.


I agree hopefully this could be a great one. I am not a prince guy but this one looked sweet. Wish I coulda tried it but I had to get back to work.


Nah he was pretty quiet about things. Those were all I saw. There is a prince magazine that might have them but I didn't bother to check.