Pace ,,,trying to recover


heres a question : the other day i played a guy i've played before and won.
but the other day i started out at my game pace, around 70 % output and the other guys pace was so slow and constant that it just killed me, i killed myself trying to hold on to my pace, my footwork,serves and winners are much better then his but his pace just bogged me down to a stand still. how does one recover from this ? ideas ? change to a serve and volley game plan ?


It helps to have something to go to. Try a systematic approach to locating a weakness. Hit shots to both wings and vary spin and pace. Maybe all you need is a looper to the backhand or slice to their forehand. Most dinkers are just getting the ball into the court enough to bring out your own doubts so you end up beating yourself. It's much easier to play this type of player if you have a game plan to play by. If you don't have something in your head to do, then you will end up playing their game. Try different things until you find something that will work. There is always something that will work.