Prince TT Hornet OS 2001 & lead tape help


I have been using the Prince TT Hornet OS 2001. I really like how i get good pop on my strokes on this racquet, especially on serves. One drawback is that the stick seems very light and i sometimes lose control of my swing (manueverability).
I was wondering if yall could gimme any advice about adding lead tape to the this racquet. I want to add a little more weight on the racquet but i don't want to sacrifice the light weight. The racquet is easy on my arm since it is light weight and i like that. I was thinking about adding 2-2.5 grams total to 10 and 2 o'clock. Would I be able to feel the difference even with 2 to 2.5 grams?? Would yall have any other suggestions?? Thanks!!!
If you're happy with the power now, how about 2-3 grams each at the 3 and 9 for some stability that would have less affect on maneuverability. Lead's cheap. Try several different setups and find one you like.